Marketing automation consulting: choose CRMpartners to maximize your performance

In your sales team, you find a variety of individuals with different talents, organizational models, and levels of experience. This diversity is a valuable resource, but it can also present challenges in organizing activities, monitoring sales, and coordinating work. The goal is to prioritize results in every process and provide a valuable tool to achieve them.


Definition of marketing automation

One of the major strengths of CRMpartners’ consultancy is Marketing Automation, a powerful strategy that helps optimize your sales force’s performance.

  • But what does Marketing Automation mean?

It’s an approach that uses technological tools to automate and improve marketing and sales activities. These tools allow you to manage customers and prospects, negotiations, and activities in real-time, collaboratively.


The importance of using marketing automation tools

Why should you consider implementing Marketing Automation solutions? These tools are not just one, but many, and the first step in improving your sales department’s performance is to talk to our consultants. They are experts in finding the solution that best suits your needs and those of your business.


The advantages of marketing automation solutions

Technical activities, sales organization and monitoring, as well as human resources management, including selection, training, management, and motivation of salespeople, are all fundamental aspects of sales force management.

Research published by Gartner, a global consulting and research company, shows that companies using marketing automation solutions have an average ROI of 250%. The statistic is based on an analysis of over 100 companies using this type of solution in their daily work.

The same study also highlights that thanks to the application of automation strategies, companies are able to reduce marketing costs by 30%.

The use of Marketing Automation tools allows for more efficient coordination of diverse functions and intelligent selling. These tools provide in-depth details on each deal, from lead sources to competitive proposals, offering numerous benefits to companies, including:

  • increased ROI,
  • cost reduction,
  • improved marketing efficiency.

Marketing automation per migliorare il rendimento della tua forza vendita

What to do with marketing automation

Monitor deals at any time and decide how to proceed in the sales funnel and who to assign them to is crucial for achieving business goals. Thanks to an intuitive interface, your company becomes more prepared and efficient than ever before.

How can you achieve these results? Take a look at some of the Zoho software and see if they fit your needs!

Choose CRMpartners for your Marketing Automation consultancy and transform the way you manage your marketing and sales activities.


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